Thursday, March 20, 2008

Commenting system javascript on my web-site

I've received a few requests to view the commenting system javascript from my demo web-site.
The javascript is already there for all to see, either by downloading the page or viewing the source directly.
I would definitely recommend using Firefox and Firebug when viewing as it allows you to view attached script files as well as the page source.
The screenshot shows the Script tab in Firebug, listing the script files attached to the current page. In the background you can see the source for the active file.

Most of the javascript for my demo site in contained in a single "application" file playpen.js. The code has been compressed, but not obfuscated. This means you can load it into your favorite text editor and read the full source after you've done some formatting. As far as understanding the code I would highly encourage you to look at Ext 2.0 Samples and Ext Documentation. Like anything worthwhile you need to invest time and energy to gain understanding.

The comment form is based on one of the examples for dynamic forms.

Here is a super-brief explaination, I'm a little time challenged at the moment :)

I use an application process to insert the data into the database.

The javascript to do this is on my demo site - just download the source and then format it to see what's going on.

When inserting it into the database I have to unescape the comment so it will render later. I use dbms_xmlgen.convert(:new.app_comment,dbms_xmlgen.entity_decode) to do this. There may be a better way I haven't thought of. I also strip out some html elements such as script, object, embed etc to prevent malicious attacks.

The javascript then does a PPR to display the comment immediately.

If this doesn't make sense to you, time to do some reading and learning :)


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Implementing Ext Dates in Oracle Apex

"Anonymous" asked me for more explanation on how I implemented the Ext date-picker in Oracle Apex, as seen in my demo.

Look, I don't mind answering, but please put a name on your feedback - anonymous is just rude.

Here's the plain English explanation:

We are converting a simple html input item into a Ext date-picker, which just happens to be associated with a date field in the database.

To make it easy to identify which input items to convert we assign a class of "date-picker" to the item. The code to do the conversion is shown in my demo.

The only other thing to worry about is making sure the date format of the input item matches the database date format.

Everything else you want to know can be learnt by reading the documentation.
Here are the steps:

1. Set the database date format in Apex
Lets use a mask of DD-Mon-YYYY as there's no confusion internationally.
In Apex 3.1 do this directly in Home>Application Builder>Application 200801>Shared Components>Edit Globalization Attributes.
In earlier versions, you need to create application processes for "On Load Before Header" and "On Submit After Page Submission - Before Computations and Validations" with the following code
execute immediate 'alter session set nls_date_format=''DD-Mon-YYYY''';

2. Create the date item
In Apex create a form on a table containing dates.
Make sure the item type of the date field to display as "Text Field" and not "Date Picker".
Finally add class="date-picker" in the Form Elements Attributes.

3. Add the javascript
Include the Ext javascript files in your page template, cut and paste the javascript code from the demo into your page or page template.

If you run that it all works beautifully.
You'll notice the code allows for alternative data entry format masks e.g "dd/mm/yyyy" and partial formats e.g. "dd/mm".
Thats because the alternate formats are easier for keyboard operators.
See ExtJS documentation on date formats available.

4. Optional step
You may have noticed on my demo I use "DD-MON-YYYY", not "DD-Mon-YYYY" as shown in this blog.
To achieve this I set the database format easily enough, but then had to override the default Ext date names with the following line of javascript in my application javascript file:

This is the Ext way on internationalizing dates, so it's not a hack.
What it does is force the javascript date format "d-M-Y" to return the month in uppercase.

Anyway hope this helps.
