There are a number of different ways to load images (and other filetypes) into Oracle XDB. You can use FTP, WebDAV or PL/SQL.
For APEX installations using the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway (EPG) images are loaded onto the server, and then loaded into XDB using PL/SQL script apxldimg.sql. With a couple of minor edits to change destination folders, the apxldimg.sql script can be re-purposed for your own applications.
The script creates a database directory, and then reads a XML file (default is imagelist.xml) to identify the directories to create and files to upload.
To generate your own imagelist file, you can use the following Windows batch script from a command window directing the output to a filename.
imagelist.bat > imagelist.xml
For APEX installations using the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway (EPG) images are loaded onto the server, and then loaded into XDB using PL/SQL script apxldimg.sql. With a couple of minor edits to change destination folders, the apxldimg.sql script can be re-purposed for your own applications.
The script creates a database directory, and then reads a XML file (default is imagelist.xml) to identify the directories to create and files to upload.
To generate your own imagelist file, you can use the following Windows batch script from a command window directing the output to a filename.
imagelist.bat > imagelist.xml
@echo off @REM ***************************************************************** @REM * File: imagelist.bat @REM * Author: Mark Lancaster May 2012 @REM * Purpose: For APEX applications using the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway. @REM Generate XML list of directories and files suitable @REM for loading into Oracle XDB. @REM @REM Refer APEX file "apxldimg.sql" for example usage. @REM @REM Direct output to a file e.g. imagelist.xml @REM ***************************************************************** setlocal enabledelayedexpansion echo ^<upload^> echo ^<directories^> REM list directories with relative path for /F "tokens=*" %%c in ('dir /ad /b /s') do ( set abspath=%%~fc call set "relpath=%%abspath:%cd%\=%%" set relpath=!relpath:\=/! echo ^<directory^>!relpath!^<^/directory^> ) echo ^<^/directories^> echo ^<files^> REM list files with relative path and leading slash for /F "tokens=*" %%c in ('dir /a-d /ogn /b /s') do ( set abspath=%%~fc call set "relpath=%%abspath:%cd%\=%%" set relpath=!relpath:\=/! echo ^<file^>^/!relpath!^<^/file^> ) echo ^<^/files^> echo ^<^/upload^>