Monday, October 3, 2011

Not happy Jan - follow up

A while ago I posted Not Happy, Jan! about the changed behavior of list templates for hierarchical lists.

The changed behavior in APEX 4.1 meant my atypical hierarchical template which produced JSON  instead of HTML lists no longer worked.

I've re-implemented the template to handle APEX 4.1. To see it in action, and how it works go to


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,

Just wanted to check whether the playpen theme is for sale?

Have you made any further improvements to include Apex 4.2 functionality?



Mark Lancaster said...

Hi Cecil

The theme is included for free with my book. Use it as you want.

APEX 4.2 is mainly focused on adding mobile capabilities, with incremental improvements on desktop functionality. So not a huge difference as far as I'm concerned - everything is just a little easier to work with.

Take a look at the for some cutting edge APEX + ExtJS development.


Unknown said...

Hi Mark, I tried to implement your improvements, but still have "li" tag added. Can you help me?